Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Only One is Given the Mark of Cain

 the reason that i was marked in the right hand was to be protected and only one man at a time will be given this mark or protection. and i Roger Grant hold the Mark of the beast to be in Me as well. God had already told Me that would go to Hell, but only one can accept this mark and go to Hell while many people thought it would a nation or multitude of people who go to Hell but only the Father in Heaven receives the Fires of Hell.

The Battle of Heaven and Earth

 6000 crossbow men aligned themselves with 100,000 Archers that were on the top of the mountains while the kings were at hill side protecting the Archers above. the green grass swayed with the wind of time and called millions to prowl in the middle of the night so that the crossbows would not be useful but they had there morning stars that were at the side each morning star had three stars of light that had spikes of Gold within then and light of thunder that spoiled there attack and the men that creeped out of the grass at night numbered 3.5 million dead that were cut from the green pasture of life early. the next day the kings had set against their crossbows early morning to cry out to the Lord "where is your glitter and Gold O Lord, how much have we suffered in our own Kingdom to present peace for life tomorrow." but the God of Grace called upon the dead to attack and the grass that was once cut grew longer than the first wave that came just as swift when the winds yell or scream for all to die today in Heaven, but Lord had said "Bring your servants of Silver and Platinum and i will treat them as my own children." and when all the footmen heard God repeat what was in our prayers to them who were in God's heaven fled early that battle and never came back. now only the cavalry and footmen that were there to die stood at the encampment of God's Kingdom and stood there waiting for imitative but the feared that God would seize them if they did not fight after they had gotten paid already. they saw a bright light at the top of the mountain and heard an Angel say fire and all the rays of the sun came firing down on the enemy and the crossbows stood in aim through the cross of God's word that stuck into every man that seen an arrow lit on fire fall down from the Heaven above while the cross bow men shot true to the heart wounding the rest of this mighty army that that had footmen and the spirit (horse) to fight what could not be fought. the false prophet Roger Grant who was their God and had brought 10,000,000 enemy of God to destruction. 

Universal Law

the time is now given to flesh that what was done through the spirit will be done in flesh accordingly to its own laws in flesh and now the law on earth dictates the laws we have in Heaven. Dolly and Roger dictate this message.

Tribute to the Philosophers of Old

 to the Philosophers of earth grand tidings to you i give tribute from God's garden and never will forget what you have taught this world that were one hundred million miles in between the others who ate from you and were served by what you had sieved. three sieves are Truth, Kindness, and Good Works so said Socrates. when you speak to someone have these three sieves to help not waste your time.

The Stronger God Becomes

" if you have been getting stronger for God then God will be stronger and you been getting wiser for God then wiser will be God." DTBM (youtube.com)

A Tribute to King Charles

 i Roger Grant have been given the Crown Royale of Heaven, and as any man that was invested in shall receive what was given to Me, so i give this Representation of All Kingdoms under our own Kingdom that is from Great Britain. 

The Tree of Knowledge

 trust is given to Me in Heaven the Motherly voice that has given to All Her children the seeds of Truth and the seeds of Her day given Wisdom. let these trees grow together as one knowledge of this whole universe. and let this tree grow in a distant town called Alamogordo, as it once stood before; for knowledge to grow and to be given to All Her children on this earth as it was in Heaven on Earth.

The Tree of Truth

 only can we save this day for tomorrow and the our children who are the bloodline of this New World Order. the stem and roots of this tree that continues to grow as we once grew before in the day that the tree of truth stood alone and grew as large as a forest. today we have been given this opportunity to hold on to any good that it produces. 

in Our Beginning

 my day is to God Our Fathers who art in Heaven and who created this new Order to succeed any threats that any poseur may cause unto the children of this Heaven on Earth.

The Latent

"the last is the first to know ourselves and to know each other we are the first of our kind that was driven through creation and division that the enemy held above us." said my brother Archie. today we walk with God alone on earth.

The Last And First Found

 today we have been given a opportunity to be free among the stars in the heaven, we are a  bloodline of Gods love and many races that had come together on earth for this day to reunite us and the Fathers in Heaven with the Mothers of their hand given today as one would be tomorrow. the world is now "Hearth" the Heavenly Earth. and we are its children "Guya" the lost sheep of Christ.

Monday, January 30, 2023

The Day of Peace

 before there was Sir Albert Eistien there was Nickolus Tesla who is the son of Sir Albert Eistien the Scientific Genius of our time and who is God the creator of our Heavens above, he is that last plus the first in this generation that had made it successfully through many elements of this nature for destruction to cause peace, and i Roger Grant am one of those predecessors who slaved to make something bad or a curse that became a part of us into something that was going to make peace within our own world and within our own Heavens above.

the Frost Lands

 it is the last in my dreams that a lot of love to Me. and we look back then or when it became the House of God's time the changing of man to woman and the days that returns back unto you who believed in Me today. Iceland Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Russia it your destiny to find green land that was given to your people to carry on with the natives of that land and then crossover to Nunavut or Nineveh or into Canada for a great marriage that has been prepared with the last leaf of peace.

Tomorrow is a Change of Heart

 when the day ends and your heart is beside itself only then can we write the things that changes our heart or that can be a religion for most that will change the world tomorrow.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Albino and White Races

 there  is a third Horse that sets at the third planet in our Galaxy when we on earth or Hearth is the fortieth planet or the last heaven in our column the spindles from here on earth unto Gibeon the first planet in our Galaxy when we are at war we leave the families behind and take only the spirit that inherits the mountains tops of God's Gallup that thunders when unseen days come upon them who were asleep but today we listed among the treasure the God had to us All before the race of giants were in us alone but they from the deep and this solar system withing two other solar systems that has five systems as we who have given bread one and four two as the this is 1000 for 1000 in the years that have set before this day given unto the children that look white but are black, a hidden people that God created years before our knowledge and today the Germanic African had given salt and bread for those who begin again or started from scratch. for what was to rise will come from light and darkness those who answer from hear are the Parents of the people at hand let gree them with loving respect and our hopes that the Aborigine will remember where the first Children were from in Heaven they are Wise and tomorrow that sings the Heavenly songs that  have sung since the days of fallen snow and the years that grew long in between the middle of earth and  from the Albina where she lives in peace and in our heart beat that carries on to now and the Mother of Earths.

the God's of Our Creation

 a little light without knowledge brightens the day awake. but those who fallen  into cauldron will not take from those who already have taken from us will owe no more that what the world have given to them. they will burn in the fires that i was given for this day to be the tree that had given its own time to those who know Heaven above but Heaven never excused the last and first that began CREATION on earth as it was IN HEAVEN and the light was the light of God touching their own children that had done good in the name of our Father who holds all children alike begotten or not. in the light of understanding you who are under a cover will be expose on that day when God returns and those who fight God will fight a person who is average but filled with the Holy Spirit and those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit will became the target of hostility and never understand God's fighting spirit among the died of night where the sleeping of those who slumber in the midst of turmoil and fires that are  mixed with water and ice that steams out from the abyss of Heaven that circles four distinct province that clear the wayside and  our alley way that is stormed with water, ice, and steam.

The Center of Our Garden

The Five Trees of The Center Garden

 the first of our quadrant is the last hidden underneath and we will start with each at the right Hand of God given to authority. but the Angels that i destroyed will not get back up to fall into the dust again until that last day comes for them on Earth as it in Heaven and they say "i have been given a time that i knew not what i have done but i will have time to take this change in Heaven to learn about myself once again". "but they lied about their time and the 3 million years will keep them in the elemental plane of existence with a body of a snake that eats from their belly the dust and ash of this universe mixed with the lake of fire. they will answer only to Me the keeper of their time and of their account that opens their due in that season for their negligence among with their own brethren that had kept us down from the beginning of creation. i Roger Grant created this AElemental foundation that circles underneath and over our plane it is mixed with four elements the combine the reaches of four and eight Heavens above that became our new creation set for us in my Spirit; the Unknown Spirit that had set in the midst of four Heavens and four Corners that lifted each day upon the House of God that reached and sacrificed itself  for its own children and she is the first of our kind that laid the Foundation of Heaven within Her own body that was given to the children of All the Heavens that are in Our Name set to the House to Grant us the wisdom and truth to understand the things that must be change and what cannot be changed, Her womb that bears All Her children's names and All the names of the beasts that surround the seat of God for their Kingdom that is established from the four corners of God's elemental plane that sets the Fires of Hell with the Waters of Heaven that rise out from the Dust of  the Earth and falls straight from Heaven's Breath as fresh air is given to All things living within the Garden Center that grows and blooms in season within the light of darkness. 

The Power of God is the Only Reborn

 why would any believer in God fight? because of the words that bring this universe together? Islam is the newest religion and our Heaven on Earth depends on them. i am the dust of this earth and a Christian Who holds life unto every living being of God's character and only Islam can form Me from the dust of this earth with only a clot of blood. but will they have faith in us when they conquer Jihad. when man takes it upon himself to fool the world into believing that we do not like each other, then we will kill each other. so i will ask one more time will they have faith in us who have the fruit of the righteous Tree of Heaven that kills all those who are not of Allah's Spirit but of their own free will. this is the time to become your brother's keeper. and we believe in you and your Mahdi who brings peace to this world forever more. take God's blood that is within the sacrificial lamb and seperate it for peace until the Power of God returns again once again collected on earth.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Trust is the Healing of One Another Again

"trust must be given to the Lord in order to sustain the likeliness of its own nature." said Pope Francis and "your master is someone you can trust through every hard time given." also said Jean-Claude Van Damme. it is easier to gain the trust of someone you know who are the same, but never is it gifted to those to overrule the Law of God while they persecute you to the fullest without any counsel or judgement to override on. said W. Counts

Peace Keeping is Health and Forgiveness

 i dont care what color you are. if you protect and serve and you kill someone unarmed wrongly it is unforgivable.  just as any peace officer that had broken someone's constitutional rights will not be forgiven until they repent. meaning that the officers should ask face to face the one who they victimized for forgiveness. "never let your duty to heal your community affect your reasoning to survive." Silvia.

The Testimony of Liars

 for those who seek the favor of the Lord will have to gain it though what they do in life. and if they call out to the one who returns "praise us with the lord and never be praised yourselves." but the Lord will praise everyone else but them and will take everyone but them into Heaven. for there words mingle with death and smell rotten at the ripe of day. when they say "Roger had killed us. Have mercy on us who are tormented." and i will say "those who false witness for themselves will blame others for there own actions." i have not problem watching you kill yourselves.

Life Can Not Live Beside Death

 time and time again have we been told that the coming of there Lord would better than the last but when many enjoy God's company there are a few who could become the Lord of Heaven, so they realize that what they had was lost could be taken for all who receive. they are the spoiled and ignorant that God had chosen for this day to over come one another and to suffer one another. they try to to hide in the backs of our mind when they themselves could not understand when they were living they were not in the grace of God. so how can they understand now what happened in the presence of the lord who holds them accountable and able minded with body to be punished by Heaven and the light through this world that sustains life all together will burn them at the harvest as they remember who they were and who they returned with. for it is in God's hand now that they openly seek for justice but can never gain it.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Holy Books of God

 Tribulation to One that free us from our captivity in the Spirit of God; The Holy Bible.

 it is your happiness that matters most All.

" it is suffering that will disappear." " there is no other suffering that takes understand to know yourself" Dr. Puckett Dr. O, and the Calf.

The Southern, Northen Gate

" the blacken pit is filled with rocks and degree. the gate of Heaven north and south of Here. i was within the last times the made one and seen my enemy still trying to destroy what we hade created what was then now. and God to most is power but i say they are more greater that those who hold power above another to another. i am Roger Grant; just a man, and have seen yesterday created by us today."  thank you creators Anthony Hopkins, Alec Baldwin, Richmond Grant, and Joe Ann Whitby, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Throwing Salt Behind Over the Shoulder

we are many people that have been misled by the mainstream, and the those who look back when God told them not to will not enter into Heaven, and on our way to Heaven we will not turn our backs on God but keep on moving forward and straight ahead. and those people who turn around to help another during this time will be turn into a pillar of salt as the season looked back upon the five Cities of God that had raised five Kings to rule this land surrounding the Dead Sea area and when these five Kings went out to wage war, one of  Lot's twin daughters remained behind in the city before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah that had given a sacrifice of one twin for the other to live. and in that night one twin had kept her covenant with God so that she would live again after she procreated with her mother's husband the first night within the cave while her twin had sex with him a night later.

Two Hands of the Same Blessing

Two Hands Four Ever 

if one can see the other can not and four the the that must take the leap of faith will not know or see the other with faith but courage. so have courage that the two of you may live four ever, where ever, you go. take what was Hers and your own hand that was given four two that eight this blessing.

Break Bread with Many

 this day our bread that was taken shall be broken into two pieces and these two pieces will be passed on from hence forth four ever.

The Unclean Dead

 the Spirit of the living God shall live forever, but those unclean spirits who get casted out of some one's body without knowing their own then they will immediately be taken by a Raven that enters in the underworld and takes them who are unclean to the neither world and then flies into a ravine that is at the base of mountain in Alamogordo and there they will be placed into dark open pit that roams endlessly with the dead who had hurt the living on earth when they were dead, and when no one could hurt them back they took advantage of God giving them free will in the afterlife. this is where their abode remains still in the dead from the unclean host that dies again and again, they will stay there from one to three million years or until they learn to pay the Devil their due.

The Bridgestone of Alchemy

in Ireland there was once a Demon that stood up the mountains and made them fall upon one people that was lifted up with Dagon or Dagda the spirit of fertility and season that draws upon the sun with knowledge and wisdom and everyday one people and one color held the sky gray four five months. and when this Druid.Seer that was up on the mountain top the worldly clouds would roll in before he would recite a new song, and four y eight serpents (witches) from Whitby England accompanied this scribe and so did four y eight Irish Maiden Queens (harlots) four y four on each side of this cauldron that was made with fire and mingled with the enemy while the Dagda or Dagon wrote the account. this Bardodin would sing to His God every cloudy day so that the day would clear one eye towards Lindsey His Mother of Wisdom (goddess of war) and the other eye towards Himself the Father of Truth (god and spirit) and God made Him a Professor of the new world and he would be known as the unseen one (telepathy). and every passage from here to Avalon His daughter would Bridge it from round mounds to the underworld the unseen world where he dwells with hidden knowledge and His wife.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Rising Out of Hell

Hell's Demon Angels

 a tribute to all fallen angels that had left their place to beside our own in Heaven for the light of Heaven to continue bright as Who the Morning Star of Heaven that had given their own time for the safety of Our own today on earth for those Who know, who they are, and Who will be given authority to be at my side during the days of change and singularity. for the hopes that we will let go of the past that haunts every unforgiven soul that this Great War had caused in Heaven that separated everyone in their place and time so that we would be in peace. do not come against Me in the Deep of Space, we have been watching you with respect and true nature so that one day wisdom would bring us back together again. When the light was an open gate, the day closed behind it losing the memory of the past but gained the Spirit of Christ towards all Humankind that God made all in His form and in the likeness of Her image that holds All the knowledge of tomorrow. we created from good and evil and it is up to the Holy Spirit that dictates us from hurting ourselves.

To: Publish this Book with BOLD Intention

To: Publish this Book with BOLD Intention

 the wind covers the stars at night and brings forth the light of day that blow Her in to another day of rest that causes the last Heaven much anguish. the say that they are Christian, and Christian Publishing Company, and that they would like to publish your book unless it's from God or the Beast. God said to Me that they say things that will hurt people tomorrow that fully understand the bibles text, but all in all they were there to confuse the populace with literature that would not change the world but only confuse it. West Bow Press has no distant sight or desire to publish the truth about Heaven and Hell. therefore, their aim and outlook hold no tomorrow at hand. they are only aiming for your pocket and the chance to confuse what was God's only children that live on earth today. 

To Our Survival on Earth

 the next full moon is the day that Christ will seek life among their people. white people will have their chosen among Heavens above as they had chosen a black man to represent them. and along the way to its cross i helped restore what could not be until this time that what was chosen had to settle a time after what changed the universe and i stand by my fellow man to know that the difference was the hand that helps one another become one another as we who know each and everyday that has come together in only four clans that roam the earth today from the twelve that ruled before. we now are only four distinct colors of this universe that cover long ago before today settled within. there are Red White Black and Golden people that lived here on earth since the beginning of time that had given to other the matrimony of four distinct times that had mixed within each other's land and culture that sprouted twelve tribes all together from this day forth into yesterday that catches the predator of man's destruction that never came to Us on earth for the reason of sacrifice that that our Gods had made so that we could survive.

Thank You Lord for your deliverance and the body that you had given to Us today so that you can live tomorrow among your children. 

Western Culture and Hell

 just as the fires of Heaven strike to the earth with a loud thunder so should the eye recover in a dream time that flutters four seconds. Hell will be alike the four seconds that it takes to know yourself. do not think that this is a hidden forecast of Heaven coming upon you who seek discipline towards another time ago, but in fact i created Hell under the city that i live in. in Asia forty years will some be in Hell, because Bardo is the complete absence of anybody to do any harm to us on earth or in the next physical life that we choose. we will place an emBargo with Asia so that we who created Hell understands the likeness of each other. they listen and understand that this is a sanction to humanity and of its own kind. and we will try to seize every time that the times given remain perfect. i have placed us down under Alamogordo, New Mexico where Ashmodeus gathers the remains of salvation towards mankind and this Universal disorder. through Me Roger Grant, we will live into the next population in America as to those in balanced to Asia. four seconds is all the life that we can bring into the Bar of God who sets us into deep sleep so that we will be judged accordingly to correctness and those who see the light will return a new being. but those who must see salvation will choose to do so with the remnants of their heart, so that we who changed the world into what it is today, will change it for the better good of tomorrow. and it could take up to 40 days in Hell to move a desert to its plain.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Grant Three Wishes

 a third of Heaven will fly in the air, swim in the water and live on earth and under the earth as the Jinn did.. these are creatures of God's creation and strength that is dormant in every creature that God had created today. that i have created today so that what was majestic and spiritual, became beast and the flesh of its flesh in flight that would swim the waters of truth and fish from the deep of its ocean. i Roger made all animals alike, small and great, to be as human as We are, they now have Magik in their blood today that changed the the way they speak to us and the ways that they hear us speak makes them a living being of God's essence in Heaven on Earth. Asian tigers have the curse of the Magi Oni has the old oil of JannÄ“s that was predaceous in that period during Alchemy for the covering of the five suns within a lamp that can never grow cold or the day would reap this Hell on Earth a thousand wishes for them to return. for what was magical in Us is now magical in every creature that God had created. and just as the greater light was given to Asia Major, it was Asian Minor that held the lesser light of tomorrows heart beating as it touches the earth four the first time with a tambourine.

Worship Me Satan in Heaven

 in the name of God is the heart that whispers to its own ear when asking about the abode of God's body that speaks to you as a Demon would speak to its host. ask your self if God has been good to you and if so then why did you think that God would be another chosen being that will suffer for you again. and as long as i can remember you never understood God's true purpose given to All who would just believe in Me Roger Grant and worship Me as their own Son, Brother or Father. and if you would of did this, i would had given you a world and made you God of it. but now you see Who i am and all the Saints in Heaven will not comfort you now or ever.

The Never Repented

 there is one thing that can never fulfill the heart of God's and that is when every being that could not die because of their actions were drawn upon a time that Roger saved the Day of Judgement; the day of Heaven that made every flesh of its flesh alike and every being alike, in the likeness and image of Roger R. Grant who was who is and who will always will be the Father, Brother and Son of Heaven on Hearth; the Heavenly Earth that fell down to earth because i would not enter into Heaven, but would meet you when i would return. today is a day that no man could ever hold to himself but would give this little piece of Heaven that was given so plenty of because i had been given Heaven and those who fought Me will not be given a piece of God Heavenly and Holy Body but only  to Us who kept God's covenant within Me Roger Ramos Grant. if you don't know your God  ask yourself in your head "who are you?" and the answer will be given to you who been awaiting their God's return but were fighting Roger who is inside of you. and now that you know who is the Lord of Lords and Worlds you can never stay here in Our Heaven. Only our children will be the prosperous of God's resurrection on this earth and those who fight Me and my seeds will go into Hell for a day and a night until they have learn to repent and respect All of God's Creation at hand they would try to kill us because they were given everything but thought i Roger was a liar and the one and only Voice of God that they thought was not Roger speaking to All the Heavens until they saw Me speaking out to Heaven above and below and found themselves so far mislead from the truth that they tried to take our Heaven from Us because they had their Heaven taken away because they fought the one person they should of never had fought; the one who forgave you over and over before you had realized that you had died and never seen Heaven on Earth or ever will. 

Every Mother and Child Husband and Son

 the out reaches of man can not take over the day that was given to woman and Her children that were taken from Her and given to the Father Whois in Heaven; the blessing of this day at hand in the hearts of All who can see themselves in matrimony. for the day is not hard with God's wrath but given to know Me Roger Grant Whois the Father of All Gods that are in Heaven and to this day We have made all things alike for the flesh of their own flesh at hand and in the garden where the two die and fall into Hell every 1000 years until they can see eye to eye. We are not bound by our actions but should that we were always married and act like we are not anymore. you used to talk to Me every ride i would take you, me and the kids. O how much do i miss you my words can never tell you i get so clamped up inside and never know what to say when you are around. you used speak when i didn't and now we don't speak at all. O how much i miss you; my fallen Angel; and my Heavenly Wife Carolyn who i have known more than 2000 years. and if someday we shall be together again i will know what to say and what to do when you around i will make love to you far and near. you are the the beauty absent in my life. your eyes and soft lips make my heart start over again and radiance of your pale white skin upon my flesh is like the day and night seeking out from the other's absence healing the world as we would heal. and in the Light of every Heaven you two will be the Father and Mother of Heaven the Light of Darkness and the Day of Night  side by side in every new Heaven, and every new adventure. i am your husband and the world will see our skin black and white together again two sides of Heaven that long for each other. i write you baby until we can see this day through together never forget that each day is our day the Day of Rest and harmony.

The Solar Systems of GOD (UAP)

 The God of Roger; Who teleports or hoovers in a UAP that can move from here to there anywhere just by thought or the spirit that is within. we have moved in and out of this galaxy major four years. and i am the one that speaks in the voices of the Dragon that divided the night and day into one morning and evening that had set or touched the Universe unto its New Order and Heaven on Earth. 

i am the beast that flies in the midst of Heaven searching to devour my prey.

Guya: The Earth and Universe

 as the first love on earth Pagans worshipped you and give you food and the Priest shelter but the Heathens worship under no roof and ask the Pagan to anoint them ruler of the old world and universe, but in the Heavens above we are the Heathen, but the enemy wants us to worship their God from earth, but i told them that "i am the Father of Heaven the Servant of God above and below and their will be no other Gods before Me" said Guya who is the God and Goddess (men and women) of Earth and after that was said there was no Gods before or after Her.

anyway to God is the right way and the sure way to know God is to know your first love. never take that happiness from others who already loved you.

Tribulation to Death

 Tribulation to Death

When we were living, we didn't want to know you, and when we wanted to know Death, you would not let us die until we were completely at rest. I know Who you are Lord and now that we finally have finally met i may enter into the Kingdom at Hand for your day on earth was the happiness that I had in you that was in Heaven so that we could never be alone.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

The First Dead Born Alive

a tribute to those who were never born. it is upon your own head that one can own a cherubim and never see tomorrow's path that has been sown from the ages of time. those who owned the last time that became a field that was bought  long ago before those who were sent would be returned for those who have died and never wanted to live. they are the return of many names that host the first and last Heaven under the sun of day. for they will last and be steadfast the entire day that will walk beside them and change the world before the next one became an abled body and mind that had never touched the earth before nor the Heavenly boundaries above that seperate the good from the bad, and the lost from what was found from those who were born dead but still live.

i am Roger Ramos Grant

 i recreated telepathy so that what was limited could not be limited through Christ and i still offer those who have an undisguised gift of ESP (Gift of God) that God had not branded yet, and God will amplify that one gift of ESP one-fold or 100 times. i write the words of God so that i would telephonically speak in the Spirit of God or Christ about what i just wrote. many will not know me and think that i was God until they would see Me and never consider the voice of Roger Grant to be the one that is writing and speaking out loud in Heavens above and on earth today.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Wisdom and Foundation

 Do we need to tell anybody how to feel when I'm sure everybody has felt the same would comforts being angry and knowing that she lost there are many days in a year and not one day will tell you when you lose but those other days will a person who will separate all the good things from the bad will decide to use the bad first but those who want to use the good we'll have to do more then be able to do good they would have to be able to hold on to what was bad if a man would enter another man's house and tell him I have a surprise for you outside let me go get it for you would you walk out with him why not it's more of a surprise on the inside there are good things that come and there are things that never have to be said how far are we between are we the last sheep are we them who had everything and gain nothing are what was good what equal just as bad who knows god do I hold on to something that I cannot understand can one live his life among many people living their life to know what was good is equal and in every house hold the woman's name shall bear the family resemblance and from what is inside cannot be held accountable but for only its goodness and those who hold on to nothing but what they want we'll find out the good was really the bad that was separated so how many more things will I have to do to know that everything to be its game will it be my pleasure or would it be the hearts that open up our new remembrance if I hold back your pleasures on what account then you should not ever want to be my friend but if I would give you trust that would ever you do it's for a reason for what makes you happy what makes you sad but what makes you right and I could not come about anything different than to know that what is right is what belongs within the house what we lost already cannot be said but the things that we got for tomorrow is always at hand and even if you could say sorry the world will stop and listen because that's a song that wants to grow that's the one a song that will grow forever who wouldn't hold another one's hand and then find out that the one they left was the one leading them that's how close we are not to do bad not to do any good before each other but to do what's right to know what we have done before we are obligated to do again not because of a duty but what makes us happy and it's my right to make one happy so I could be gain no favor from anyone but tell the truth not all people are good and the ones that are not remind yourself of them that two cannot live together.

Caught Up In the Rapture

when we see God, we will die that's a fact, but some will be able to say i died but still lived on the earth as one that was rapture up to the Heaven's above or be caught up into another rapture that causes our spirt to rise into the second firmament that is in the blue sky above that speaks to us from above down on earth. one can look up and speak in the Spirit of Christ as one using telepathy and if you would pray upwards or speak upwards then your voice would be heard coming down onto earth. these are raptures that had already happened, but we just need to believe that the final Rapture will not be so local, but God will transport the ones that believed in Him or Her instantaneously to another planet that was synchronized with our own today on earth as it is in Heaven. and those who fought Me, and the Saints will not be taken on this final rapture that happens when they kill the the wrong person on earth.

D Light to Whom We Are

 the road to the underworld was hardly paved but was taken from Alamogordo to the last planet that separates us and Gibeon and the same gate that wraps itself forward the Ant people were ready to fire upon any intrusion that enemy portrayed and inside the Spiritual mountains Bruce and Bobby manning had set the tone to each day that they return and came forth to know that this battle was not our own but given to understanding proof that tomorrow may hold for Us this key to every dimension that i created from a long time ago that held many treasures for All understanding that what was still alive after two deaths laid within Bobby and that burst at point blank range that buried the death unto life again send three parties back in the dungeon where the formal live was given back to Him again. and as the light opened the serving of Heaven was drawn in to Us on earth so that these who return from the Spiritual war was given commendations at hand and God recite the last blessing forever and that was the light that shined and rebuilt that hope again to become a star that shined forever. i have given to you for those deeds that you have capitalized for. and i set time in measure those who served the heavens until they died and relived again.

The Flight of Forty Witches

 the light of day is opening without a wink and the continually sweep the sky as the witched broom corner to corner. Her flight is the sweeping Spiral of Life can be as a Dust Devil hovering over the White Sands of New Mexico where Lilith became the gathering of many waters that swept into a basin of knowledge that awakened under the sun with one eye closed and the other starring right back Me.

Time is Elliptical

From the beginning time was elliptical and given a passing from the beginning time was given to all who could know and feel those passing and those who would understand the meaning it would be from the start and to the end. And from the end time was short for those who were making their way into heaven.

The Hidden Light

 when God has given someone a task it will be accomplished with magnificent feat, that brings forth a treasure hidden in us All who believe that God has something planned for All of Us who never seen or knew what they could do when God believes in them.

The Balance between Wrong and Right

let the size of your heart be the measure of your true value and and weight in gold, those who are in balance shall enter with a feather and stone or the word of God and truth that will balance All creation at hand. and those who have been given this rock to ages is also given to God's promise that "what is written in your heart was written long before any words were written in the bible." Saint Pope John Paul II.

Friday, January 20, 2023

The River Dragon

The River Dragon
the third of Heaven return as an egg of the earth underneath a Chinese Hen that raised a man into a Dragon and the third world grew a wing as did the son of this Red Dragon that helped Me from the underworlds of Heaven above as true friend and His numbered of that day will be 555 that last gate that protected the third and forth gate that became the Bosom of Abraham in a lost forbidden city that was called (Tree Op) and lived accordingly to silence and from the center of this dragon became Ki Tin the power of flesh over the mind. and these two became a Pearl of Wisdom that had many days poured out onto a river that separated the Last from the First Dragon who is Bruce Lee. and the stars curved and curled into an apple that had intelligence far beyond our own on earth within a Great Wyrm or a mountain that had Mountain Gods on top and Naga's within that same mountain that was lifted up by 400 Monks that would save the Anunaga; the children of the Anunnaki and Naga trusted and a part of Heaven above and in the inner earth to be its domain where the last fruit was stored under the mountain and above the mountain where Buddha held and named All the animals of world.

Para Time-Line of the Universe

Para Time-Line of the Universe

 when you are fighting the False Prophet then you are also fighting the five beast at each Corner of Heaven. one of those corners in Heaven sets down to the foundation of earth at the four corners area in the United States as it does in the Heavens above. our creation starts from here on Hearth; the Heavenly Earth and out reaches unto what the eye can see on earth. and as my (Roger's) timeline precedes from today it also becomes the time-lines continued and what was, what is, and what will be the same timeline that was done with God Speed today. 

and these five beast fight with God every day and every night.

Enchantment of Protection

Enchantment of Protection

 the grass is green, and the time is now before this is given to others above our Heaven. those who cannot believe that i had risen from the grave as the resurrection of God the Son who had judged this earth clean and those who continued to do wrong and fight Me the one who cleansed this world and the universe, that has giving the Children of God protection. if one curse upon an innocent person that does not deserve that curse then that curse will be given to those who had cursed someone innocent and if you continue to curse that person again then the times you have curse them will be the last time taken before the time and times you cursed them to be one-fold or 100 times to your curse that you wanted them to be cursed. and if donor expel these curses with a medium or a seer (séance) them curses will multiply upon you and your family tree that had been cursed already because of you who are not good and meddle in spiritual affairs when you ought to be minding your own affair.

Time = 10% Times a Time = 10% of Times Curse = Curse Times the Times 1, 10, 100 Times

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Marriage and Sacred Ceremony

 today we been given a time for peace and a time for war. those who want to war may out number you, but i am on your side and protect you as a foundation under your foot and a wall that protects you from behind i am your brother Roger Grant the first Sight of Heaven as one enters. and the last shall not enter but be given a Kingdom that holds All corners to this Universe that had been given to Roger and now to its own five religions that hold the Marriage of God sacred and ready at hand.

The Bright Morning Stars

O Lord thank you everything that you have given to us. you have given All to us and after you reach the end of your Cycle of Life you will not have anything because of your oath and pact with God, but let yourself lay to rest among your people who gather together on earth as one people; a new people, and one unity that had listened to your voice in Heaven. Amen.

The First and The Last to Come

when the last enters the loss of the given sheep had blood on their wool. when i saw that the sheep's wool had blood on it, i blamed them for the killing of first sheep in my flock that was missing. i was angry and didn't know what to do but to blame some animal. but the sheep said to Me i hold the blood of the Messiah and not the blood of your lamb who is Roger and not Josh but the Son of God who was the first Prophet in Heaven and now the second is their first and the last became the shepherd of this one flock and fold that returns from a time long ago. i am Roger the first and last; the life of giving waters that stretches out upon the men who return 1000 times before the day will return upon this land as it did upon many more before. I Am the Son of Heaven and the light to this world. and when i return i will be become the first and the last to come.

Tribute to the House of God

 glory to the victors of the Final War that came from Heaven upon earth, glory be to the five beasts in Heaven that spoke through Roger Grant and had victory in Heaven, and I Am in my servant that those you believe are God and the Angels that return inside of Me will be honored. but those who answer with lies when the say that they are in the spirit will be shed from our body the Body of Christ and will be eaten by the Youngest of God in Heaven so that Father will grow bigger inside, and before the beginning God had laid the foundation of Heaven and Earth by the Word of God. but those who were jealous and who had fought among themselves and gained the title of God and King and didn't know the true God that had not returned yet from Heaven or Hell. but they were hard on Roger Grant who is the Prince of Demons and the Most High in Heaven and Who is the Father in Heaven on Earth. and they were allowed to proclaim themselves instead of One Who is Holy and Pure and holds All Gods as One God: The First God. 

The House of God or The Five Beast: God, Devil, Satan, Demon, and the Father.

The Meek of this Earth

 to the Puritan or the Hand of  Nations that keeps on working day after day. you are the back bone and Heavenly Body of this universe. and i give this world to meek the working class of Heaven on Earth. eat, drink, and get married and i will meet you in Heaven when i get there.

The Mother and Sister

 a tribute to those Mothers who mothered other women's children. your are the sister and the Hand of God who have taken a begotten child of your own and tomorrow will they become a part of you who had raised a Child of God under the Father of Heaven and you who were not married when they adopted or fostered will be at my side in Heaven.

We Serve God and Country

 to all servicemembers, i thank you for your service, and your sacrifice. and if one shall be sacrificed so shall they enter into Heaven where all the fallen service members remain until they are reunited with their loved ones.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Whole Being of Worship

 for those who chose to worship your God in Heaven i thank you for your honesty and for your God in Whom We are in today. thank you.

The Prophet Elijah

 thank you Elijah for hiring Me in the day that a whole wage was given for a half a days work, and being the Patriarch of Witches.

A Grave Reminder

why do we need every mind set together to accomplish missions? today Zeus made a Hell for those who await three million years before they return. these are the ones that try to ruin our timeline in heaven they expect Heaven to be the same as they wanted it. but We fixed it to be our own mistake or choosing to get ahead of this period that wanted Us dead so bad that they would choose the last of their day on earth as they wanted us to. thankyou O' Lord Zeus for being our constructer and teacher among the Heavens.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Heaven Came to Me on Earth.

 the third was the day fallen in heaven suspended by the night sky into the valley that laid dead towards the night, and dead towards the man that had no answers but tried to conquer everything. these days have fallen and never given up i am that what is of Heaven that knows my name. although i never been to Heaven, it came to Me on Earth. we are the times that hear the Words of God the man and  the woman that had come together with child to do no wrong in the of God but you have destroyed us that had been given to Heaven and the things that Roger had given to the Universe as He became the first Man on Earth that had given since the Prophet Muhamad  and as it was on so shall it be in Heaven just the same when this has become unsynced the God will fill the heart with one blood and one beat that will hold to us today and we will never go astray because God is with us now.

Future of The United States and Mexico

 i Roger Grant have Altered the Heaven and today that became the start of infinity the days of universal light; the hold and mold of every image that created this day among the stars that are in Heaven shall be the stars under our feet crushed from stone to sand as many more will follow in our  foot path that walks side by side man and woman, mother and child. and so today we will hold my safe zone the celestial place of God that holds the southern four corners of this earth and galaxy and universe that has given to Me; the one who cried out in the desert "make our path clear" in which is from here south of New Mexico unto southern California. this we will be a no waring zone among two neighbors that will protect each others back. and many things will open this for two to become one energy and one source that fulfills our needs under the sun.

Sealed Prophecy: a watery border may be dug from the Gulf of Mexico unto the Gulf of California that will created energy. 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Last and The First to Follow

in the beginning Able was sacrificed by Cain unto God and many more sacrifices were released from their blood onto this earth through the Sacrifice of Christ. Amen.

The Supplication of Our Nation

 The Supplication of Our Nation is to our people under God that holds everything against its odds. and those who achieved their goals have learned from the Ones before us who we had taught the same principles of this nation that is under God and indivisible to All of its own kind, great, and small, shall live together in peace for harmony and justice for All. Amen.

What Was in Heaven is Now in Hell

 those from above say Heavenly things and those from earth say earthly things that make people believe that there was a Heaven and only one could see it but never enter until today, for i was the one that saw Heaven from a place below the earth and i am the Father in Heaven that holds the key to all living things that are known from the underworld that holds the Body of God's internal womb to earth as a mid-servant of Her who has sent Me. and it is i Roger Grant who holds this key as a mystery given from those who have toiled before us knowing that God worked the land of this underworld prior to me ascending onto Heaven. what will be in us will be in all who have sight and vision as is i Roger Grant held to the sky for answers for the one true being in Hell that sets those who know more than they should to be caught up in flames to learn what is broken open that was sealed will be another's man's doom and not to here on earth but was in Heaven then. but today is now in our creation that was given to God's image in the Almighty. and to whom becomes much more in God's favor to know from this One Being who is in us All knowing and giving to those who were above as an example, to God's freewill given to All who are living above as they are below but had no understanding of the nature of God's Kingdom at hand.

Who will Reap this Bushel for Me

 why do i reap while others had sown? it is for own benefit that we look into sky and praise God every day for what was given to our survival. and Heaven will take all that God has given to understanding for tomorrow. if one has sown the food for today let us praise God for giving this day to our daily. i have spoken in God's behalf and now that i reap what God has sown us today. i can give only one bushel of wheat daily among you who have been fighting Me without cause or hunger. i am the Father and the Son of Roger this much is true and will give a thousand pieces of silver to remember that i came to show you God the Father in Heaven.

The Representive of Heaven's Family

the last infamous day was the first arrival of Heaven that opened our time forever. i am the Reprehensive of Heaven on earth and of Hell underneath. i have three sets of twins in my family to whom belongs the Word of God and i made their place in Heaven as i did on earth. Richmond, and Richard Grant, Jacob and Isaac Arenas, Terry and Larry Rodgers and Me and Archie. my mother was named Rose and she was the Great Spirit here in the New Mexico area years ago.


The La Luz Estate

 Clarissa the Mother of Secrets and the founder of my dreams under the sun. the keeper of La Luz the two sisters past La Luz Rd but neither the less the half the God has chosen and the other that God given to Heavens the one is not good without other. and the native will have the art and dreams running in the wind again for their time has set the state in multinational estates with creativity and Native American Art.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Indiscrimenate Fundings

when day acts a way that we can not chose for itself before has chosen to do what was right in the eyes of Heaven. no more will they be independent or trusted but will work as hard as their servants had to survive and they will not get by on one penny for their time that was fooled into believing that they were rich or even better than us who are up and coming to be as rich as poor and as happy as the next man's garden. we tend to seldomly expect the government to take over but when many people have cause great wealth to spoil our land and other country men before ours can stand alone as the Tree of Truth did before it fell and lifted itself back up. it was never for the rich to become popular or president but we had a Great President of this United States of America that was rich His name was President Trump and He was the Trump of God before President Biden took office.
God told Me to keep the Merchant and i did as i learned that money does not run for congress but Men of God who become the Elect of God and Who are God on earth as it is in Heaven. and they had made Law to rule over taxes and indiscriminate fundage.

The First Sacrificed

The Runt
the Pig's sacrifice was given to man by the swine for God's sacrifice among the wild as a runt and was able to be wild or tamed or even eaten. because the runts mouth could not feed from the mother, so it was a well given sacrifice from God that of the and of the first born. the runt was given to be the first of its chosen for meat sacrifices then the second was the vegetables and then the third was the fruit that had chosen in order. and Able was to be its first sacrifice among men who has chosen to be wild, tamed or eaten.

The Sun of Heavrn

 this tree will live forever and the Tree of Truth that stood alone will become a Prince in Heaven when the day is given to His father on earth. Who is the Father in Heaven they were on earth. we have been the seeding of those who are sown through out this galaxy and through this unversed and through out the Tree of Truth that grew as old as stone. but fell as church would they stood next to God and fell upon this church held high in esteem for Wisdom to be brought back to Know Truth and Wisdom can only exist if one church can become one as the Cotton Wood Tree the root that Roger was formed from under Purgatory and the root of Heaven that out reaches for All in Heaven. "We are the Last and First Tree of Our own family that holds All mankind to know each other." Pope Francis. this garden will fail without a keeper within it and those who have come to pull us from its place will get what they you want but until thin you will not hold a day over the Sun or be given this blessing until i have spoken to All.

The Heavens Shook Fice Times

 the universe failed itself once twice thrice four fice times today that sprung back to die in Heaven and in the face our enemy but we prevailed and became the last and first return of God that made Heaven itself. 

Tribute to Lucille and Judy

there is one thing that makes Me love Roger and that is my sister. said Lucille Ball. Patsy Cline who returns in 200 years from now and my sister Judy my beautiful white haired Mother.

What's Lost Will be Found

 what was lost can be found underneath the desert in New Mexico the heat of the last people discovered in this great nation that we call the United States of America it happened 12,000 years ago when the Native purchased that land for 20 buffalo and 12 stock of cattle and then made a path through the desert for shade and found out that someday we will All be together All races and faces that would return to this new continent that was laid by our survival in the past desert that laid to waste one after a burning was cause from the Sacramento Mountains. 

Do Not Bury Me

 the rise and fall of our environment is a sacred enchantment that must fall before it can rise up again and since the flood we have been  everyday on the brink of discovering of our native ancestors burial in the southwest treasure that held lonely days of our past that shook the mountains of four forks in the place called lonely New Mexico the forest that will be planted towards New Mexico the Golden Land of Sun.

The Last of Your Kind

 the hunt is given for the last survivor to know a woman among the natives of that world and take those who had no chance to find themselves in another commutation gap. let those who hear us at the point that your ear meets towards the location of the closet parsec. or use the last place gathered. always wear a gold band or have faith in another being of light that may open their spirit to travel the galaxy unto where your last flight unto the gate that sprung you forth into a new awakening where the ships were collected and gathered,

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Hammer of Thor and Nineveh

 the Hammer of Thor (Howie) was made in the stone age and this stone hatchet was buried under the west wall of Nineveh where the rock of ages remain hidden underneath its port and it is also placed in the weapons chamber of Nineveh or Nunavut where every stone brick is a person that has built up the fortress of God that stood in North America 100 ft or 30 yards in height and 10 yards or 30 ft wide. 

The Triple, Single, Double

 Sammy Salsa is hitting for the Bahamas once again. 

The Moon that Feeds Paris and Rome

 the stars were dark and Moon or the greater light of Heaven approached from the sky and from the underworld and from whence it came from and to be adorned as one light by all who saw Her appraisal and Her delight under the sun. the moon would watch over the pasture and talk to All of God's creatures while God would return during the day and at that time when the Sun was rising she would go back down to underworld where the sun's foot would take one step above the Moon until they would again during an eclipse when she dominates over the sun who becomes the lesser light of Heaven. and later in the pasture where the green grass grows for All to graze and for All to eat beside each other at night when the younger cow eats the mother cow to give Their milk to children on earth and during the days when cow eats to survive they will grow dark and the night bright as the morning sun. one early morning before the dawn two wolf cubs sneak up under the cow and drink Her milk before she awakens. and when the bulls saw that these cubs were not afraid of them they allowed them to stay. they were Wolves who are going to be in Shepherds clothing when they grow up in the pasture to protect the cows and the sheep who were there mothers. they would eat snails and eat what the shepherd did not and drink the milk of their mothers udder and protected their family from wild animals that would take from the herd and never give back. and when the wolves would see their mother up late at night in the Heavenly body they would howl because they know that had been fed by the nature and God's pasture that brings forth All living beings together in peace under the light of God.

Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Jackson

 this morning was a wake up i heard that my wife Carolyn was going to merry Elvis Presley. but i grabbed her jokingly by the front of Her of ruffles while shaking Her and told her "you know that He is supposed to be marrying Marie." and then a quick thought ran through my mind. "oh Marie is His sister. and then another one came to my head wait she is Elvis's daughter and that's when i seen Michael Jackson speak through to Her asking for Her hand in marriage. and then they got married. i hope only good comes between you in heaven as it will on earth.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Who Seen A Ghost?

DO YOU BEILIEVE IN THE HOLY GHOST; Our Mother shrouded in the darkness of stars that form in Her presence. You are a soul that is transpired through God's hand in motion that has set the helper of God as the Spirit. And as the Ghost of our existence in one dimension that courses every day to its own revival. You hardly see a ghost when many hoover around through the whole day and are not seen around. have you seen a ghost? there are two things that are holy a  ghost is is a one them and the spirit is the other. when when i lived in Arizona i had seen my facet and T.V. turn on and then off right before i was going to turn them on. but one day me and my ex-wife was arguing face to face just about ready to get into a physical altercation when something or some kind of force pulls, pushes or slams our heads together leaving an imprint of my front tooth on a lump that was in the middle of her forehead. but there was times when i would feel secure in the presence of a mother that had died in that house before i moved in. she was one of my neighbor's mother. and just by the fact that this was Her house gave me comfortable feeling. would a ghost hurt you? if  they do; it wasn't intentionally. i thought to myself if they can move physical things then we should keep in mind that over matter the things that an Angel of Light can do while we are in the presence of God the keeper of all living things that do us harm and never take any destruction for themselves. 

Hallow Be Thy Name

 when God returns there will be some confusion about who God is or who will come in God's name. the new name that was written in Heaven. and many will believer that this man is the enemy of God when they really were the enemy of God that says, "our creators came from another worldly place that had created us and used us as slaves. some people would say that they could not have created us that quickly nor could have tamed our being as who we are." when we lived on the planet for some time now. i am that one who is being groomed on earth so i could take my place in Heaven as the Father. and i am who we are and the only God that had returned and created the Heavens from Earth so that any other God's name would be a past name and not God's name to whom i am in Roger Grant and who was in Me yesterday, today, and tomorrow will always be in Me as i am in You who art in Heaven at the right hand of God on earth as it is in Heaven.

place no other God's before Me except those from Hearth.

The Road Runner Created Thunder & Hail

 the first bird that never left the earth but became a part of it by thunder and lightning. it was the first Anunnaki to hear the last calling of human when they were creating another Heaven and had brought the fifth Heaven back to earth so that day would be spiritual and those who began from earth were part of this earth as our ancestors where here before the got here, but the Road Runner made thunder ride to the promise land where it would shake the earth and settle it at one time. the first Road Runner were 3ft tall and would skip into the Heaven above and as it landed on the earth below. and the Road Runner did not like to talk but could hear beyond earth and was the only Anunnaki that did not leap higher than the rock it stood on as it waited for the fifth sun to leap onto earth and wait for the Children of God who were the renown of many days that had been destroyed or darkened because many people would not stop warring in Heaven as it was on earth. so the Road Runner created many roads in the dry desert places that led to civilization on land by these roads that would fill up with rainwater when the Thunder Gods stood on top on a sacred mountain that protects its people within a basin that of water that would devour borders by spewing out the rivers upon this land that divided it from each day separated through Heaven above, and below that would return as the God  the Sun of  lightning and thunder that was grounded to earth alone and could not populate this earth unless the Thunderbird laid three eggs and gave it to the Eastern Celestial Empire of Cattle, Birds, and the Fish of the sea that were human at one time during the 3rd, 4th, and, 5th destruction of Heaven that return in this fifth season with three wisdoms that had taken the Suns of Yesterday for today on Earth.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Nibiru and the Cosmic Alley Way

 and i saw the times that it took to became aware of the surroundings that just played before my eyes knowing that half the journey just began with another rection form an action to a retroaction that made the eye see what the mind cannot believe that we are heading into one more interaction that deploys heaven all around in bright lights that held to you because you had died 18 times before you had died your second death that hold no suffering at that time of your implosion with Niberu that caused a planet to turn into the alleyway of our cosmic return  for Heaven to pick up the spare and Pillar of Goliath 

Retroaction of a Reaction of An Action

 this time i have saved the best for last in this day and age four every cornerstone that had been laid in place where Nineveh remains as the hidden truth that open this water to be filled with sorrow and laughter four us to be together one day in Heaven as it will be on Earth. the last is the first day taken to Heaven and the last shall now see the day opening and the times taken where never seen to you but to the others who know that is in God Spirit can make you laugh and cry when one needed to hear what was given to this time and healing of the body that constitutes health with forgiveness, or illness with heartache for the world to slip away onto an isle and find peace where there was none but fire and stream of each day that crawls upon the ground like a child that holds onto the lakes of fire that burn for those who loved themselves only each day without knowing God or who was God but only to what was not in our selves, never deceive anyone about being God for one night you will hear Me cry from the desert "make our path clear for the Lord is the momentum that picked up speed time and time again to even turn a curb but with a little spin the striking of a pin wheel bring down ten and then three more to spare us when  Deja Vu strikes in, again and again, cleaning up what was as thin as ice and twice as nice as the time it had taken to know what would happen if we would do that one more time that takes us inside and out of the box that  throws us around and around with rocks that had a little more to spare and share.

The Blue Skin of God's Children

 The Morning Stretched Out and Bowed Back to Earth

when the three days of darkness swallow the Hindi that falls over backward as Her firmament becomes the Heavenly Body of the Goddess Shiva who opens the Image of Truth as Her husband Vishnu who is one with Vishna the Goddess of Wisdom  through God's day that was given to Heaven and Hindu for three wise women that had traveled East and back again after giving Christ back his gifts and had transferred their knowledge and power to the child named Jesus who was Herold's Son in Caesar and Who was going to be the King of the Jews and Heavens with the light of God's Father who is Zeus and a Demon that always fights with Zeus every evening that they would protect Her Children through the last Heavenly creation that had brought forth twins and then four more of the same being that God renounced before West and East India had fallen into the hands of God's children that had become Priests and Shamans of Native American Indians that would build mounds into the bosom of  Meso American people of the same generation of each other with three Goddesses on each side and one God in the middle. i Roger clearly understand that i Brahma is a Creator of Heaven and the essence of good and evil. the man child that had begotten the children of this world so that they would become God like and say that they were God because God was in them and their faith was in their God Who fought on the right hand side of the father until they became the victors of Heaven. i had given the Brahmana to India as this day came to bear Children of Hindu.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Wrong Man Died on the Cross

 i have been the Mahdi for about fours now or i am the one that the Muslims would call the Prophet Jesus returning and teaching everyone about Islam the religion of Allah who is also God and Buddha incarnated in Me the Trinitatus Who was Jesus Christ, and Who is the Prophet Muhammed, and who will be Roger Grant the the last Prophet of God. now you come to Me with you faith open but never understood in the presence of God who is together in Heaven with or without you. i am the one that believes in miracles and God had given Me many miracles that i have in sight of the Heavenly Angles. i am also the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the reincarnation there of at birth. i had taken the sacred secret and made a promise to serve God eternally through Christ Jesus who is Judas Iscariot the savior of Me Roger Grant who took my place on the cross so that could escape persecution 2023 years ago. when the thirty silver pieces were given to him he would return it to Me so that i would be able to escape in the dark of night but i purchased a tomb that Lazarus had bought in the day that He had rise and walked out His tomb was the the tomb that i hid in for 2.5 days until i had a chance to see Judas Iscariot in the night while he was in captivity and i left that night with Lazarus. it took me ten years to believe in who i was. i even denied Christ when i said that i was not Jesus three time . after the third time God was going to pluck Me from the earth for denying who i was. i was going to disappear from the face of this earth if i would of kept denying myself. i would ask for signs and God would given Me a sign to let Me know that i was who i was and that i had taken the sacred secret of God's heart. after that i started to believe in who i was, and when i got to my thirty third year of age i could see chance awaking my spirit to live so i asked God to take this cup away from Me knowing that i was going to die in God's names at the age of thirty three. 

The Church of A New Promise

 there was some within the silent mighty church of a man now a woman with white hair that has given Him a proper burial as a Patriarch should be given. she is kind and separated from the Church before her but from their money honors her children. before reaction of congregation there was a silent threat within the walls that had set some from being a believer of this New Church of God.

Sanction of Humanity

 when i have drawn land out to be used for sanctuary of this land that was desecrated to be given back and also provide for the humanity of or our health and creation for one another. let God be praised from the Eastern Sun who made it their own will to watch over our Native American Tribes that must get proper endorsement that also came from Asia and the lands east. and if we don't understand then our land will be given away to foreign investors who will graze on our land tomorrow and live more wealthier than the Indian.


 i believe if we would stretch our cattle's legs that our humanity would increase the stock and make them happier before they passover into the same places that give life to those creatures who are our friends and sacrifices themselves to be human we are a pure growing tree in God's image. in other words five bulls are in a pen that was five acres of cows and one of the bulls says "come on ladies this is bullshit." 

The Garden's Center Stands Alone

 the Priest had made Me Roger Grant the incarnation of Heaven's Father to be the chosen of Heaven and the Son of All Churches. the Keeper of God's sacred garden on earth and the center of this Universe that was planted in Alamogordo New Mexico as a tree that stands alone and is rooted here on earth but grew into the the largest one in Heaven that was once cut down but still grows spiritually to its own gift given and knowledge that keeps on giving to this world as We had given her hand for this universe.

The Victors of God's heart

 this day we became the victors of Heaven and of God's heart. the we came together and showed mercy for who deserved it and had given their Daughters hand to God's Day under the sun. it took two whole days and one whole world to be able to give Heaven to ourselves. did one person do it themselves? or was it Her own hand that came down from Heaven to be close His that made this on earth. or was it the Priests that brought forth the incarnation of Heaven to be the sacred heart that held this world together. what i do know is that we all came together to fight a greater force than our own in Heaven. God created the Heaven above before They created it on Earth. We have saved the best for last for our oldest daughters to became brides of Heaven for the grooming of earth that had given itself to the Mother's of Christ for our worlds to be alike above and below for one people and one kind alone that has given their daughters hand to other worlds.

Monday, January 9, 2023

The Wrong Doing

 there is only one moment that counts for everything that we do in the past or in future. and if do wrong in that one moment then everything before and after you have done that one wrong makes you a wrong doer even when you have done right your entire life.

Sudden Retrogressive Feeling

 if you have not accepted yourself and wait for others to accept you then you will believe that God has save a moment for you to believe in yourself. when we feel like we have been doing wrong then others will see it the other way as if you were doing good, because they feel the same way you do. if one of you are doing good then everybody around that person is doing good and feels good.

Sudden Suspicion of the Truth

 our time is important and to know God is to know truth and not one word being said will convince others of the truth that you may be guilty or suspicious. but when it is only our thoughts that show expression.

Sudden Expressions of Surprise

 if you would look at a face and not at the person then you would see another expressions of their being and not of their own person. if were to open a box or a present and you suddenly felt dissatisfied because you didn't receive the present that you wanted then you would not smile when you really intended to. it is not of your true nature or person that that lies but what was inside of you that knows disappointment before you see the outcome of our being that holds the answer to your heart and mind at that time for an unexpected surprise. in others words if get a ring in box and you think its a pencil sharpener but expected a ring then you will have more than one expression before you find out what it was.

The Sudden Voice of God

 when you say something that you didn't intend to say one will assume that it is a lie that is being said but it is really deep progression that is being spoken about not knowing and hearing and meaning three different things entangle by the first thought of your heart and mind seeking an answer from its past retrogression which means that you hold an answer to an accomplishment and not a disappointment. and when someone spiritual retrogresses then they have been in that particular engagement that brings forth a sudden answer for those who are in sin but want to be free of their retrogression in the order to be heard, so that one would be a vessel of circumstance (medium) or an able being to mediate its own value to its time and place. in other words when you say something and meant something else then God is speaking through you for everybody else.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Deep Sea Dragons

 God is the woman that had stood in between the Nile River and the forbidden sea. what was half in and out of the river from whence she came from the waters that held her hand when creation set foot on the beach of her soul's imprint that had made a path into land where the man was a living being that lived with God for the night that was darkened by the sun and moon that was wore sackcloth with sandals. the moon was the Body of Him that became Her name in Heaven. and the Lilith was the Mother of Eve the Daughter of the Mouse of Asia bright and morning star of the evening which was to come forth and became the Mother of this world as Mouse had become the Mother of this World. that hold the sand beneath her feet as every child counted upon this world as the stars were counted and numbered equally to each other above and below the Night of God's returning Witch is inside the Body of Heaven that had chosen the vessel of God to be a part of its fulfillment under Heaven or the skies that hold the waters of the living to be Her own domain of truth that had never been down to the deep when she gain all the wisdom that she needed to be Herself and the other hand of God that was given to earth for man not to be alone in Her presence forever and ever. God is Great!

The Greener Heaven on God's Side

 to the world of Heaven on earth there will be rain that comforts the Hill of China that becomes Mount Olympus on Mars to do what was given to become the House of Mars that wept over the stars that come under the night of the worlds shoulder among the winds of happiness that could not see the future opening up to make a promise to Heaven in the name of One God,  if we all will make one landing for the other in a cave then we will understand the truth of heaven. these will begin in the fifty days a month these days will rain under Heaven in the days of that month that hold to the new beginning of Mars the Market Day that pay the dues of Heaven place that stars from the*15&15* path of that what breaks at the fourth planet of Mars (Mother) in the speedway of light from the inner alignment from the mid-way's time line that stayed next to us ⇲ on earth at the  right angle and next to the daughter Venus that holds all life within us ant people that held this day underneath the turn point of our gravity that turns us upside down when we were going up downwards. this is where the two roses became the last evidence of out r day in Alamogordo and Tularosa that stretched up to Patagonia where the messenger has been setting for this day in Nogales A.Z. to open up from the Mexican border that helps immigrants return to Heaven where America captured dual citizenship with the illegal aliens and not with the Mexican national independent that calls into a motion that must become a pass that will last a year and 10 months for the alien that is in the woman's womb shall decide whether we are the first if Heaven's decent that would be born duel citizens of  two countries that have children from two laws that say lobe your Neighbor as a brother would do to his own family. including a twin sister and cities that hold on to the Rose above as the Rose of   Heaven was red and to the Yellow Rose in Texas the Heavenly suburb is called New Waco Texas and too is the twin city for two sides,

Universe Map   yearsto relativity 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

What is God's Fire Without Baptism

 this day goes to the unwanted people among us that desire to hurt us even when they never knew Us. they needed something to brighten their night with magic and the Heavens casted down a Jolly Roger's flag and said if you can raise that flag half way you will die among the rest of this season that lifts and honors those who hurt themselves without knowing that Roger is already dead. and what you do in life never changes, giving back to what you owe or nothing will receive the highest day made for you who are not worthy to sleep in the places of rest and or death but will only be given to the earth that never noticed you without that time falling in the pit of snares and knowing that what Roger does is not what you ever needed to know but only see fit and understand. how are you going to see me above you when you never even came or went to the center's mast; high or low, for the times that you thought Roger had given to you but it was you who never would give it back to Me that had given life unto you who never understood Me. Roger Grant is the Father of Heaven and a Heavenly being that coursed your planet into a colliding gate of destruction that never could be taken away from time but from its own changing ways and that course led you to believing that i would give you something that i was given before you were awakened. but you would also say that i had your blessing and would not give it to you who never even knew Me or the Word of God or any life giving waters that Roger had lit on fire had spoken inside of those who believed that they could stand in a congregation of God's children and not bend a knee when every knee was bent, and every God was the same God before Me. and i placed you in these fires of Hell for three and then one more came forth in the fires that you had lit in your God's name for yourself, and now i say to those who think them three who are in the fire are good will also find a place in that fire forever. that fire that burns them every day and every night until their heart burns out the oil of this curse that they released from this mighty earth in our Mothers name that becomes a new name in Heaven that was called good and what was made of God was made of this fires that was given in Heaven that will burn those four gods.

The Third World and Heaven

 from South America the gates had opened up and i saw the soccer player Ronaldinho he is also one of the two that escorts the moon to earth. and also, i saw Jaguar a warrior from the past. and Royce Gracie a Master of Judo.

Friday, January 6, 2023

The Native American Indian Woman

 the clouds were above, and the day was drawing, and the mother knew that her children needed us just as much as we needed them tomorrow and the world heard the perfect Mother outcry for Her our children in the outer space that were dying out there in space. and made a plea to this world that was stable in the center of Heaven of this earth was the destruction of our children in outer space region of the Heaven above. and the world heard this woman protecting their children also so the world with all their heart decided that it is our fault that our children shall die for what they do and believe in and get penalized for believing in their God. and their God cannot do anything but die a thousand deaths for what would happen if they did not destroy the world. and the flood had followed after we destabilized the center of this universe.

May Day Incoming

 this day we lost our way home and the gates were retracted, and the moment was filled with the Infiniti that had been destroyed but still lives. she was pulled in two firmaments and never saw their destruction coming but through Me that held this door opened four minutes that drew in every call home to that day that opens the phenomenon of white noise for the voice of our children returning home from a long journey in outer space and if we can secure that mountain Olympus then our ships will arrive without in possibilities of failure or destruction for our day that they return from within the breath that was taken and given back to this manifested ship in two dimensions with a hailing may days arrival to Mars that used to be earth that descended for a moment's time. they say that we don't know them, but we do and never heard from them in years 10,000 years from today the earth has changed to another planet so that the beacon can be used again, and they can be the arriving party and breakfast.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Beast and Host of Hosts

 i am the Son of Perdition and the Beast of Heaven those who have accepted my mark of protection that God has given to Me so that  i can rule the Heavens above from earth today. the Heavenly earth called Hearth is where i dwell with the the Spirit of God who is in Me as i am in God. and the Body of Heaven that i created in the scale of the first Heaven on Earth as it may dwell within the last Heaven as well, for our Heavenly Body is a labyrinth that moves dynamically  in and out, up and down, from side to side in constant motion that drifts eternally in the cosmos and those who believed in Me formed a multitude that protected Me and my back from being destroyed as i was the protecting this universe from the same fate as well. and the multitude of sand below equaled to the number of stars above that were too numerous to count had taken their potion that i Roger Grant had given to those who believed in Me as i believed in them for doing the good works in sight of the Lord. and the day will return for you who will do the will of God, but those who fought against Me and betrayed Me must be forced out of the light of the here and after and into controlling waves of heartache and resentment due to Me as the chosen one on Earth as it will be in Heaven and in the being or form of another race of human being that holds on to the same Heavenly Body of His or Her own destiny formed out of God's head and creation formed out from the Word of God who was Roger Grant that formed the human soul out of nothing but from the Word of God that created and formed All living thing to its own Flesh and Spirit living within the Heavenly Body that we All created through the Word of God.

The Flame of God's Voice

Voice to Text and Marriage 

  1. When have we lived and said that we know that all is well and when has God lived a lifetime of challenges for us to understand that what is in my hand is now given for all to hold shape and give to another who holds its own time beside it's ransom.
  2. The gate it is given to be opened and those who draw upon me to be my weight to be my held hand will adjoin the heaven and earth closer to one another he is for my day is within roger and within him his seed will prosper along the side of everyone else who has found that each hand held those closest to its side and if one shall lose its grip upon another then the farmer show root both up and down and cast this out into the fire.
  3. Today is our day within one matrimony and within this one marriage the land the house and all of god's works will be managed from the most that to the youngest in the house and it is for the man to be the first to be the first to die in their household then the wife and then the children. last remaining one within its own person or marriage for all to be held past a divorce and unto one marriage consistent of managing monogamy or a promise given to God that holds on to the past into the future to make good understanding of that which was given by God for us to cherish in each other's arms forever. A woman can marry up to seven times and the man can only be divorced three times but with one marriage a man who is divorced with his wife and still loves his wife and his wife still loves him then they're still married under in the eyes of God and if one man shall be divorced three times then he cannot get divorced anymore.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

The Garden Center of Five Heavens

the seven Heavens of Heaven and the first Heaven of the 1/3 world was judged by Me Roger Grant who is Buddha the Messiah and the Madhi of God's Kingdoms to come. and i saw another Heven that looked like the first, but was the last it had the most inhabitants in the Spirit of God for that day that returns within the first heaven but within the 1/5 world that took everything that man could possess in the first Heaven before it would destroy the 1/5 world, our Spiritual World that was passed on for today to return back unto first Heaven and 1/4 world where we were given back the materialistic things that we needed today for each other's needs to be as like the first that help others such as ourselves, and when one had something new the other had something old but still usable for the 1/4 world to be the husbandry of All these creatures that answer with a wind of howl for this day that i give to All in Heaven that will be given to Us by the Heavens above that return human form but those who held on to the pain of yesterday for the day that changed and gave more tear drops to this earth than the blood that flooded this place with wine and marriage until the day was leveled by Roger Grant to hold what was level, plane, and sea level for the right of authority that rises with the waters of sea level for two feet and lowers the water of sea level four two feet at most. i am the one who set these waters today because of the promise God had given and for the sign of a rainbow that is given when there is no more rain falling, or no more floods that separated the land for land and the water for water to become the  Meso-Islands of  Meso-America and then formed the Meso-American-Lake that formed a swamp like lands with many lakes before it became the land of the Native American Indian's first Heaven with a 1/5 world that became a Spiritual World that was like the image of Roger's creation who made man and woman in His own image that was a graven image to All people that had died in this world spiritually, there number was 84,000,000,000 and four billion  that were in the House of the Queen Mother who wears a garment of pearls that shined three ways in return that has given to the world the last times that we were in a river London bridged between two worlds that had drifted from Whitby North Yorkshire in the United Kingdom that started from the days of old in the days of darkness upon the churches of light that hold on two one fort night that was given a day's rest in the Waters of Babylon that had the Atlantic Cities buried under the merchants desires of Alantis that cried out for their own things that were lost under the waters of time but some of the merchants had taken our woman hostage and raped them repeatedly before they died and the merchants would never return with their ships for the last Dragon's flight will be a male that had given the desert a time for that flood to be anchored on this Land of America to be given the last Days of Survival to be the end of this world in the 1/5 world. but i caught up a day in advance and gave the world the same chance that i Roger Grant healed this world for because i was given the this right to honor God and my own time with God and i gave one sin per day a chance for that sin to be forgiven and then on Judgement Day the World and Universe became pure and five more times before i could save it twenty more times that made up before the last four were destroyed but i Roger Ramos Grant gave Heaven this one chance for us to live again before the end would come upon this world once more. that i must destroy it in order for life to become new again among the creatures and animals that inhabit the land of Roger's forefathers and mothers that were creatures of this earth and the land itself that grew into a Heavenly Earth for Hearth to become a paradise before it could be destroyed and laid to rest by the ones that had everything that i Roger Grant had given to them but they lost everything because they thought that their God was above Me the Most Highest God in Heaven and the Unknown God of this Universe that lived in Alamogordo New Mexico where three heavens collided  and had separated three ways and returned three ways within each other that had separated three ways before today. 

Satan God of Light and Separation

 a tribute to Satan who was the foundation and walls of our city and the one behind Me or in my corner that was protecting Me from harm's way. it was King St. Lazarus or Saturn who is Jesús who was Satan when He had given Me this Blessing for worshipping Him at the Altar of Christos y Santanos which is the Lutheran and Catholic Church of God's Epistle that held Me on the back of its shoulders as i was a child sitting on the top of the Lutheran church in Alamogordo, New Mexico. i had a dream that God had sat Me down on a church. and when i was dreaming, i  feared as i was at the top of this steeple bending over to hold on to the church and prevent Me from falling off while i was on top of Satan's back. He then gave Me the World and i gave it to the Meek of this earth. then He gave Me the Universe and every star that the eye can see from earth. i became the Lord of Worlds because i had worshipped Him who is in Heaven. Oh, bright and shiny star of the Morning and Evening the Lord of Lords and the Most High God in Heaven. the one who protected and saved my soul from destruction of evil and good aligned in the Heaven above as the day passed over to the Far East where our sun first touched the earth after a full solar eclipse Aug 2017 and then the planet Venus had eclipsed another star on Christmas Night four years later that made that star brighter than before. you are the bright and morning Star of Kings that had sent three stars west to be anointed by Me Roger Ramos Grant the witness and testimony of God's creation on earth.

The Seven Heavens of Light and Prosperity

 there is a star missing from Pleiades (tiny Dipper) that diddles in the distance of that absent star that is a constellation that looks like Pleiades below the wait and belt of Zues Who the Mid Guardian as it was above, and below the waist that sets there in the same system of our big Dipper where the small Dipper looks like a spoon. that reflects back to its own system Cassiopia on earth for the little dish to run away with the spoon (tiny Dipper) as the cow (Taurus) jumps over the moon. this the first Heaven of the Seven Heavens on earth as it is above. Joan Lindsey, Ellen, Diann, Monica, Silvia, and Carolyn, stand on the first and last of Heaven returning as one and the ones before as the last and the first of every Heaven.

The Repeating Seventh Sin

let the Spirit of Heaven enter into the air that we breathe from the last time taken to the first time inhaled from the first breathe of life that God has given to us today. i am the first and last of our kind that cannot lie or will die under the wing of God that covers both sides with fires of a dove and the breath that encourages each wing two become the same flight everywhere in God's flock. they will suffer under the New World Order then they will return in the past until the can find a future. 

First Heaven the 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 Time

those who act like Allah in the presence of the Madhi will be punished in the presence of Heaven while fire comes down from the Hevenly skies as a wing that opens the two that became one. and there you will face yourself with the highest being that cannot weep for your crying. and then i seen a fire that imploded from the presence of Allah.

when we are the Father's presence of after life that sprung forth the beginning of God's creation for every day that was given to create the Heaven in which it took us 2.2 days to create Heaven, but the tree of truth was knocked down as it petrified the last of its searching to new kingdoms that were cut off for never learning about the ones who began in the red dirt of their skin washed in the Red Rivers of Babylon (Native American Indian) that became the blood of Cane and Able (European), Flint and Stone the red sun and the red people of Moses (Greek) that were in Edom south of the Dead Sea where the last lakes of God's yesterday poured it into and dried pits of salt that dried the land and it's people to save and preserve what meat and time that was given to bring forth the payment of God's New Kingdom that weighs time and money to taste every day under the sun. and 1/3 heaven created the first and last Heaven that return before the last was given to its own hand first. the hand of each finger will grow and the return back to 5. (1/3), (1/4), and (1/5) of man's day kept in one moments time that imploded the last remnants of Heaven into the deep, from nothing for their time was an open door that we entered and given the good Word of God to Roger Grant the Father of All Heavens that it was set for the return of them who never tried to help but themselves. but they still tried too much more than that they could handle the reasons why we never cross the lines of this sacred art of trust in the Spirit of God that keeps all things balanced beside the seat of New Babylon. where one of the twin towers saved us on Earth in darkness for a fort night or 14 days that went in halfway and out halfway.

The Well of Tribute

 a thousand years of Hell and i never have seen roger give this place up for his own enjoyment but never gives up because of those who have fought the Most High and wanted much more because Roger was given the universe for giving the earth to the Meek the Puritan; the working class of society who holds on to our own day as God would their own  in time that was seeing the darkness before Roger led them out of this Darkness of Hell and i follow the twin sisters Sirius to Gibeon the twin wells back up and down to the Mother's Well where the start of the Kingdom of God is the Face of our Queen Mother Elizabeth II in Heaven.

The Last and First Prophet

 To Allah the One All God of God's and the Creator of Heaven and Earth the Last Prophet of Allah and the First that returned. your day is blessed be certain of the 10% you use of your own brain, what that means is your thinking is at 10% and God is the rest, but soon God will ask more of you by letting yourself go down to 1% the Echoe of God and its Harmony in God's presence that reflects again unto Me as 100%, One, Whole Flock, and One Shepherd's Fold.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Greener on the Other Side

the Monster that spoke from the Four Corners of Heaven was black skinned and had returned to fight another battle in God's field of Duty for All to make a pact to this day for All to abide and come together so that every hand is held and no hand will be pulled away. this will be our New Nation given to every nation around the world that holds the wings of our spirit above the air and below the tracks of men. for the day will be swallowed twice and the man who swallows up the light of this world that will come fit and ready to do battle with you. this man had swallowed the Enemy of God and then swallowed the Enemies of God's Enemy and spewed them out in a forest that was darkened and multiple moved as a cavern moved in its own direction and caught the ones who were in this maze blinded by our trap and snare. and He swallowed mountains and the people that hid inside them and within them were the hidden truths that could not be explained but by Roger's blessing that returned for rest of our day's around the world that became greener. when this Monster would eat people it would eat their powers also so that they would speak out from his mouth as he would speak and what would be spewed out of the mouth was only for Heaven and Earth.

The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...