Saturday, January 21, 2023

Caught Up In the Rapture

when we see God, we will die that's a fact, but some will be able to say i died but still lived on the earth as one that was rapture up to the Heaven's above or be caught up into another rapture that causes our spirt to rise into the second firmament that is in the blue sky above that speaks to us from above down on earth. one can look up and speak in the Spirit of Christ as one using telepathy and if you would pray upwards or speak upwards then your voice would be heard coming down onto earth. these are raptures that had already happened, but we just need to believe that the final Rapture will not be so local, but God will transport the ones that believed in Him or Her instantaneously to another planet that was synchronized with our own today on earth as it is in Heaven. and those who fought Me, and the Saints will not be taken on this final rapture that happens when they kill the the wrong person on earth.

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The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...