Friday, January 20, 2023

Para Time-Line of the Universe

Para Time-Line of the Universe

 when you are fighting the False Prophet then you are also fighting the five beast at each Corner of Heaven. one of those corners in Heaven sets down to the foundation of earth at the four corners area in the United States as it does in the Heavens above. our creation starts from here on Hearth; the Heavenly Earth and out reaches unto what the eye can see on earth. and as my (Roger's) timeline precedes from today it also becomes the time-lines continued and what was, what is, and what will be the same timeline that was done with God Speed today. 

and these five beast fight with God every day and every night.

1 comment:

  1. only today can change the past and future. our timeline is half in and half out of today that changes both past and future.


The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...