Friday, February 3, 2023

The Eye of One Day is an Eighth of it (1/8)

 the whole day given to a moment of unrest when the whole moon can be seen or start its progression for the 1/8 of the day that shines the whole moment to rest. said Sir Albert Einstein the Father of Heaven. and then He went further to explained how we understand due to the likeness of the Spirit to Whom belongs to God and makes us All knowing today. so the day that holds the full moon can only be seen the next day coming from the eye.

1 comment:

  1. The Deep Sea Dragons
    God is the woman that had stood in between the Nile River and the forbidden sea. what was half in and out of the river from whence she came from the waters that held her hand when creation set foot on the beach of her soul's imprint that had made a path into land where the man was a living being that lived with God for the night that was darkened by the sun and moon that was wore sackcloth with sandals. the moon was the Body of Him that became Her name in Heaven. and the Lilith was the Mother of Eve the Daughter of the Mouse of Asia bright and morning star of the evening which was to come forth and became the Mother of this world as Mouse had become the Mother of this World. that hold the sand beneath her feet as every child counted upon this world as the stars were counted and numbered equally to each other above and below the Night of God's returning Witch is inside the Body of Heaven that had chosen the vessel of God to be a part of its fulfillment under Heaven or the skies that hold the waters of the living to be Her own domain of truth that had never been down to the deep when she gain all the wisdom that she needed to be Herself and the other hand of God that was given to earth for man not to be alone in Her presence forever and ever. God is Great!

    The Seven Heavens of Light and Prosperity
    there is a star missing from Pleiades (tiny Dipper) that diddles in the distance of that absent star that is a constellation that looks like Pleiades below the wait and belt of Zeus Who the Mid Guardian as it was above, and below the waist that sets there in the same system of our big Dipper where the small Dipper looks like a spoon. that reflects back to its own system Cassiopeia on earth for the little dish to run away with the spoon (tiny Dipper) as the cow (Taurus) jumps over the moon. this the first Heaven of the Seven Heavens on earth as it is above. Joan Lindsey, Ellen, Diann, Monica, Silvia, and Carolyn, stand on the first and last of Heaven returning as one and the ones before as the last and the first of every Heaven.

    To Our Survival on Earth
    the next full moon is the day that Christ will seek life among their people. white people will have their chosen among Heavens above as they had chosen a black man to represent them. and along the way to its cross i helped restore what could not be until this time that what was chosen had to settle a time after what changed the universe and i stand by my fellow man to know that the difference was the hand that helps one another become one another as we who know each and everyday that has come together in only four clans that roam the earth today from the twelve that ruled before. we now are only four distinct colors of this universe that cover long ago before today settled within. there are Red White Black and Golden people that lived here on earth since the beginning of time that had given to other the matrimony of four distinct times that had mixed within each other's land and culture that sprouted twelve tribes all together from this day forth into yesterday that catches the predator of man's destruction that never came to Us on earth for the reason of sacrifice that that our Gods had made so that we could survive.

    Thank You Lord for your deliverance and the body that you had given to Us today so that you can live tomorrow among your children.


The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...