Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Battle of Heaven and Earth

 6000 crossbow men aligned themselves with 100,000 Archers that were on the top of the mountains while the kings were at hill side protecting the Archers above. the green grass swayed with the wind of time and called millions to prowl in the middle of the night so that the crossbows would not be useful but they had there morning stars that were at the side each morning star had three stars of light that had spikes of Gold within then and light of thunder that spoiled there attack and the men that creeped out of the grass at night numbered 3.5 million dead that were cut from the green pasture of life early. the next day the kings had set against their crossbows early morning to cry out to the Lord "where is your glitter and Gold O Lord, how much have we suffered in our own Kingdom to present peace for life tomorrow." but the God of Grace called upon the dead to attack and the grass that was once cut grew longer than the first wave that came just as swift when the winds yell or scream for all to die today in Heaven, but Lord had said "Bring your servants of Silver and Platinum and i will treat them as my own children." and when all the footmen heard God repeat what was in our prayers to them who were in God's heaven fled early that battle and never came back. now only the cavalry and footmen that were there to die stood at the encampment of God's Kingdom and stood there waiting for imitative but the feared that God would seize them if they did not fight after they had gotten paid already. they saw a bright light at the top of the mountain and heard an Angel say fire and all the rays of the sun came firing down on the enemy and the crossbows stood in aim through the cross of God's word that stuck into every man that seen an arrow lit on fire fall down from the Heaven above while the cross bow men shot true to the heart wounding the rest of this mighty army that that had footmen and the spirit (horse) to fight what could not be fought. the false prophet Roger Grant who was their God and had brought 10,000,000 enemy of God to destruction. 

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The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...