Saturday, January 7, 2023

What is God's Fire Without Baptism

 this day goes to the unwanted people among us that desire to hurt us even when they never knew Us. they needed something to brighten their night with magic and the Heavens casted down a Jolly Roger's flag and said if you can raise that flag half way you will die among the rest of this season that lifts and honors those who hurt themselves without knowing that Roger is already dead. and what you do in life never changes, giving back to what you owe or nothing will receive the highest day made for you who are not worthy to sleep in the places of rest and or death but will only be given to the earth that never noticed you without that time falling in the pit of snares and knowing that what Roger does is not what you ever needed to know but only see fit and understand. how are you going to see me above you when you never even came or went to the center's mast; high or low, for the times that you thought Roger had given to you but it was you who never would give it back to Me that had given life unto you who never understood Me. Roger Grant is the Father of Heaven and a Heavenly being that coursed your planet into a colliding gate of destruction that never could be taken away from time but from its own changing ways and that course led you to believing that i would give you something that i was given before you were awakened. but you would also say that i had your blessing and would not give it to you who never even knew Me or the Word of God or any life giving waters that Roger had lit on fire had spoken inside of those who believed that they could stand in a congregation of God's children and not bend a knee when every knee was bent, and every God was the same God before Me. and i placed you in these fires of Hell for three and then one more came forth in the fires that you had lit in your God's name for yourself, and now i say to those who think them three who are in the fire are good will also find a place in that fire forever. that fire that burns them every day and every night until their heart burns out the oil of this curse that they released from this mighty earth in our Mothers name that becomes a new name in Heaven that was called good and what was made of God was made of this fires that was given in Heaven that will burn those four gods.

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The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...