Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year

a New Year is a time that can not see tomorrow when tomorrow is the only good that can change a person for the better. when a day enters another plan to get rich then a year will go by and nothing will get done, but if make a resolution to know your first love, then everyday will be enriched with happiness and people who care for you.

What I See is What I Hear

the mouth is for asking forgiveness and the ear is for listening and the your eyes will tell the truth if your heart is in the right place. but if you use these vital parts to cause anguish then the mouth that causes war can never be forgiven if their ear can never hear the mouth that speaks with forgiveness.

Home is Where Your Heart Stays

the first home is your heart and then it is your labor that holds on to the body and mind getting stronger. the home is the house of family, friends and people that had no home or house and became hungry days ago before they knew a place was given from God to start a new life. and many will say that "I am homeless when really I have no family." we are your family when the broken pieces can never be found again. but the price that we pay to live with our own happiness are to be the same that is given for others along the way. nothing can start without paying their due, and just like every other person that has nothing to give but their own hunger to survive will be as like the next man that is worthy working in the places that never could make a man more happier than who he is on the inside. and the meek will inherit this earth that has been given to be the same and the stronger hand that never was given a chance so that they can believe in themselves or anyone else that can never help another man believe in themselves. and what they can do for others as God had done for themselves.

The Trees of Knowledge

 every fruit of the tree is a healing property to the body, to mind and heart, that had set under a tree that God had preserved for years and a season that keeps the fruits of healing take their toll on the body and the balance of fruit that had fallen down from the tree of life that God had given to birds and all the creatures of the world and the next world without knowledge that became a instinct property to value that will return the blood red and white from many waters and the preservation of life that can come together when two worlds had fought at the same time from a distance that killed the world because of two world wars that had two different reasons and agendas that happened at the same time for the body that lost constitution and the right to heal its own mind, body and, heart. and its been said that a little wine (marriage) can cure an extended period and the heart that follows onto health and into the light of God's day resurrected and coming forth to destroy us but i Roger Grant had changed what no man could change unless they believed that they could change prophecy or the world that God had given to us to keep and hold on for the children of tomorrow that were gods of renown yesterday and will be tomorrow. these are the  children God. the Sons of Women  and the Daughters of Men. our children that became the same blessing for all to receive on earth and in the Heaven that returns in faith and for us again tomorrow.

The Five Worlds of Destruction

 what destroys the physical world? Physical things. and what will destroy the Spiritual World? Spiritual things. what destroys the Mind? mental things. and what destroys the heart. heart felt things. and any destruction in that world can manifest into another world that we live in. and if you do too much of anything in another world then that world it will consume you dry. when need to be in everyone of them world simultaneously one four the other that controls the mind, body, heart, and, spirit that defines the Soul of Mankind living on earth today.

King Phillip III and Princess Margret

 King Phillip III and Princes Margret 

The Queen Elizabeth II said to Her Beloved King George VI (Philip)

I going to love rotten and King George VI said "Spoil me my dear and meet in between." and when i saw what i heard i said "that's Nasty!"

God Changes Everyone

 The path of they who had changed the world behind will be a changing day for their own children. treat other children as your own and remember the love of the Mother and father of them who were treated as their own, we should respect and honor our elders as the rank of All Angels in Heaven. and when the changing hand becomes the things that you wanted for others will come down upon your children that had the same amount of worth to its own Heaven. never can one change prophecy of tomorrow unless it comes upon your own children that suffer or becomes blessed. and children love your elders so that tomorrow may one in Heaven as it was today on earth and in Heaven.

The Love Shining Through

 a thousand years from now one will enter the first spirit and confess without knowledge to he was. and this can done through a period of nine thousand years before the last was to return. and he will have a scar on his thumb and never realize that God had been in us for many years and that our children was given this day to rule beside their own Mother and Father in the Heavens that looks like earth and the same days that can never return but through Me. i will hold them deep in the waters of Heaven to be released at the time that comes with every heart given to their misfortune for what they had done to this world trying to kill a Sun that went out before the moon and saw the works of God slip away from Me but i stay still for eight hours that had return with a Princess and Mother that held the world together from a day that was ahead of us and a new beginning for us today and tomorrow for the Spring  Autumn in season  for the last Winter Summer that came from below and from above the two heavens separating from the land and the air the held their Mother Athena beside the holy mountain of Sacramento the had been given a ice princess and the fiery sun that stood alone though the cold winters of a sun shiny morning that smiled at Hear and Her light of this world (Tesla) that became shining sun that appeared in the daylight one time together forever and forever. and Her Mother Linda Athena says the light of Heaven must remain today forever at one side her Children."

Friday, December 30, 2022

The Best is Yet to Come

 the forest is laid to rest with All the Children that had been taken from the day of God's blessing due to a misunderstanding of conflict that made many people hate Roger. but those who had hate for Him will die without understanding and will be given a chance to be new again and learn from the truth not as them who say they were God when they were only trying to kill Roger. the say we could not find out the source of God's absence due to the way we had killed ourselves for not believing in the same thing that made them try to kill Roger. "we did not know Roger was God." yet they tried to kill him for that reason. these few who were élite became the chopping block of Heaven that took more heads than any other war on earth they even went to high school together with Roger and them and a few others that will never be among our own Heaven. and as a promise from God they will always keep their account until they pay the Devil His due. many who did not know Roger and expected for God to return were misled by these hypocrites. they thought God would return they they had though but God Roger was as normal as they were and suffered in life because they had taken over three million dollars of Roger's money and tried to kill him for this reason as they inserted the lies that had killed us before as they killed us today. Roger never did tell anyone for thirty years who He was. but the ones that never loved God started to love God and many came to God to learn the blessing that was given to Roger R. Grant. and they lived on earth forever in Paradise. but the ones who fought Roger will be placed in a everlasting loop until they complete their own will to save themselves, and they could not ever save the ones that they had killed (the world) while they made this great lie up about Roger being the only liar that tried to save the world. and He did save the world more twenty times.

The Scorpions of War

 from the days of old so was the time given g to every being that returned whole again. and many never considered themselves knowing when they were taught to be as like God, but held on to many things that could not luster, so they said to themselves let take from our neighbor the things  that He owns and then kill Him, and there are ones that could do good in life but saw God and died upon the tree of righteousness where this tree that was supposed to be a priest but it became the tree of unclean spirits that had died in Alamogordo because could not understand Roger's own right rule this universe as a Kingdom given to their children and to God they wanted something that they could hold or be given so they eat from the fruits of Roger's garden. my land lord Allen Pratt returned with His Mother Mrs. Pratt and His little brother Michael who is the land lord now returned in this final hour of mans judgement to be given Hell or Heaven as  three other brothers of the same tree (Mrs. Pratt) that was given to be Able and to change and hold on to Michael and our children who are living today. the stars of Heaven rise and fall down to change and leap into motion the new lands that were opposite to our own and to hold and change with their brothers and sisters of the Red Planets that Tommy who wore His hair long to honor the women soldiers of there time and the promise that she kept who had been given before this day that for Tommy Robert's gate  and marriage to open and pronounce the kings and sons the land of their Mothers so that He could return and warn us of theses who have been charged with dynamite in their car to blow Me up and kill Me the last Prophet to its own doom on earth that draws in the darkest night ever seen. after that Tommy returned to the war of time that made him 8 ft tall and hardened with a long rifle and also 14 days that secured the Red Planets until we got there. and those who created these stars were Allen, Robert, and Me Roger that had fallen down with the stars into red zone (North West)

Who is the BEAST?

 it takes the whole world to do what we have done today. not one man can do this alone 

the BEAST is a tribute to Us who made it possible for Me to become that male Child of Mankind that was marked for the protection of this world. the farther i  would project into our astral plane is the stronger i would become, and with that in mind, and  to what i say in the Spirit of God will manifest in the flesh and it would  happen or come to pass, and to top that off i was empowered by the Elect of God who holds the Majesty of God will under the Power and Kingdom of God to do what is good in the eyes of God and its own Heaven or universe. i even fashioned the Spirit of God into our own image that spoke like the last Dragon that had died long before but still lives today. i am the BEAST (Roger Grant) who was also the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, because i was the resurrection and the incarnation of Jesus Christ. the first and last Prophet to Heaven on earth. and as i was and still is and will always be a part of this BEAST or MONSTER that dwells in the four corners region of Heaven where the states of N.M.,  A.Z., U.T., C.O., that holds on to the Power of God which consists of Satan, the Devil, and the Daemon's of Hell who give authority and administers justice for the peace. YOU All are in one God and i am in YOU as the image of God. YOU are the "God of Roger" and i will not serve any one else but God or those who serve God. and the House of God remained true to the BEAST that was, still is, and will always be the son of Perdition. as of today everybody believes in the Mark of God that protects Me only when someone tries to kill Me it will kill them first. and i saved the last two being for Hell and that was Carolyn and Me Roger the Mother and Father of Heaven who goes to Hell in the children place.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Dragon's Rejuvenation from Heavens Return

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Dragon's Rejuve-Nation from Heavens Return

 the Tribute to common knowledge is the true answers to know God's response to our days expectations and God will answer all things in wisdom that half the truth be given and those who know that is the only truth to understanding is the true meaning of the Bible which is from the core of Heaven's word and if you can change what is BAD into something GOOD. i.e. the children of Egypt died in the Nile River waters when they became the Received of God for priesthood and they were baptized in the river of Niles that Red River of God's choice to bleed within the first-born children of Egypt who also died during Passover, they will become the mid watchmen (Priests) of that time that became the first and last Heavenly portion separated for peace and to rejuvenate All Life that had also been to the eastern rising Sun from the eastern seas of Japan and Korea. and the first born of Egypt became the last of the Priesthood that had left unto the chambers of their elect or into the life-giving eggs from Carolyn's pregnancy that happened before there was one only before the last, she is the Tiamat Dragon and time given from the last to the first of Heavenly children for tomorrow to live in Isarael where Egypt was the Mother of Canaan and the sister of Hope.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

One Third Shall Enter into Heaven

pay tribute to her height in measure among the rising tide of God's children that held on to Her beauty before the day was to be seen became wise and never had to know what life was before there was life given to others and the children remembered as we remerged from an egg that could be seen in the waters of time that had separated the Heavens above to its firmament below. Her time came from the waters that would shimmer off the water unto the Heavens above as it was below Me the Heavenly times that i have separated for man to honor the women of  tomorrow who hold the KEY to Heaven on earth today beside Her own times that were given to be within Man house that hold on to what was said and what will be done as Her time to what  is given for each other will be within that Woman who is giving birth to Man and Woman; truth and wisdom; that goes hand and hand before the light of God enters into All of God's children that emerge from the waters of the sky down unto the earth of  fire where the smoke of fire came from the lightning bolts of creation that were hurled down by the Cloud Giants so that we could see the light of day in the night sky that gives birth for two Angels that fall from the Heaven above as a fire and thunder bird and the twin birds separated at birth as Heaven and Earth separated these two twins at birth so that a promise would be given tomorrow for at least one of them. and Heaven opened up and swallowed the earth for time that was inflicted with an infestation. the firebird took first flight into the desert while their sisters stayed in a cradle made for Gods. and these two Angels created the first Thunder and  hail on earth as the children of Angels fell from a stand alone Tree of Knowledge that was at the top of Sierra Blanca in the Sacramento Mountains of New Mexico near Cloudcroft in a basin where the children of God were born from the earth that was spit out of the mouth of waters that was spewed out from the skies above that started its way to Egypt. to the right is wisdom and two those who left truth.

The Indian God of Trust

 i give you tribute for All that you have done in spite of mans courage. i have laid a path to your home in India and made a lot of God's angry, but i came back to apologize and say that we are together before and after the heaves had separated the land and sea. into many different branches that fall back down to earth before the day can be seen through Roger Grant who is the Mahdi and the one who is to come in God's name. let this man remove his own ear and mouth and see if he can rewrite the gospel?" i am the Mouth of God that has no other ear that talk the way i do, but is up to you to know your house has honored our own together and today we send great news that your children will be married once before the dawn of time remembers." i had said knowing that the Great of God was within Me who was within Vishnu.

The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...