Friday, December 30, 2022

The Best is Yet to Come

 the forest is laid to rest with All the Children that had been taken from the day of God's blessing due to a misunderstanding of conflict that made many people hate Roger. but those who had hate for Him will die without understanding and will be given a chance to be new again and learn from the truth not as them who say they were God when they were only trying to kill Roger. the say we could not find out the source of God's absence due to the way we had killed ourselves for not believing in the same thing that made them try to kill Roger. "we did not know Roger was God." yet they tried to kill him for that reason. these few who were élite became the chopping block of Heaven that took more heads than any other war on earth they even went to high school together with Roger and them and a few others that will never be among our own Heaven. and as a promise from God they will always keep their account until they pay the Devil His due. many who did not know Roger and expected for God to return were misled by these hypocrites. they thought God would return they they had though but God Roger was as normal as they were and suffered in life because they had taken over three million dollars of Roger's money and tried to kill him for this reason as they inserted the lies that had killed us before as they killed us today. Roger never did tell anyone for thirty years who He was. but the ones that never loved God started to love God and many came to God to learn the blessing that was given to Roger R. Grant. and they lived on earth forever in Paradise. but the ones who fought Roger will be placed in a everlasting loop until they complete their own will to save themselves, and they could not ever save the ones that they had killed (the world) while they made this great lie up about Roger being the only liar that tried to save the world. and He did save the world more twenty times.

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The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...