Monday, February 27, 2023

The One Who Returns

Fighting the the good fight, on the good side; our side.

 i Roger Grant the chosen, have to adminster justice to the weak, the Angels that i had destroyed through displine. they did not believe in who i am. there is a day of true sorrow and Roger Grant will give this to them when they come close to Me or against Me, to take what was never thiers in the first place or to set what was not ours in the first place. they say that i am just a creator of the Humankind. but i have given them unto thier own creation and that failed because they never held on to everything i am. they say that they are better than i am, who is just a man with enough faith to move a planet. i have separated them into the outer reaches of  space, and then collapsed thier own worlds into each other's this is called an Abbys, so that one defencive ring would support our living being; or the Armour of Her children at war. i have been fighting these Angels for over thirty years. and now i have the advantage at hand, and from today on i will crush everyone of them cowards that think that this is thier own Heaven after thiers was destroyed. and if you are a part of them today or if you think i have come to destroy earth when i have come to save it. let it be known through the days to come that this advent only continues through Me. and i Roger Grant will not hold it against them above who had changed anyone on this earth to fight a person who is protecting them, because i protect them as well, so in swift blink of an eye a flash of light will spark a fire from Heaven that was set upon your head saying "I am he who understands life and death and it is my freewill that God conquers before it set on fire and those who were against Me, will say Roger's God will give us streangth to follow through with todays plan to destroy the Words of God that were said in the past. but the one they were fighting was the Word of God (Roger Grant) and they saw a man as a target that would set them free from thier own actions that cause this horrorific battle in the Heavens to fall upon this earth today. but in that day it is them that is put through the grinding of a millstone that crushes them until they are battered and seperated and scattered to wind. and i Roger Grant will tell the true story of God's return. 

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The Three Rivers

 if you do not like serving people or helping then it would be hard for you to say I Am God. or if you never spoke out in the spirit of God ...